The Monday Mover

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TMM# 014: Padding your schedule doesn't work, successful people do this instead. Sep 19, 2022

Ever pad your schedule with extra time to make sure you can get something done EXACTLY the way you want?

You've got great intentions. You've set aside a bunch of time so you can focus. You've...

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TMM #013 The 90's called. They want their cover letter back. By fax. Sep 06, 2022

The 90's called. They want their cover letter back. By fax. 

I used to take a hard stance against cover letters. 

I used to refuse to write them.  

It was 1 more thing to have...

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TMM#012 How to find and communicate your transferable skills Aug 29, 2022
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TMM #011: Need Experience? Create Your Own Aug 29, 2022
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TMM #010 How to snag an interview without a referral Aug 16, 2022
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TMM #009 Free up valuable time by eliminating waste in your work processes Aug 16, 2022

Productivity hacks are a sham, here's what to do instead. 


TMM# 009: Free up valuable time by eliminating waste in your work processes

Productivity hacks are a...

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TMM #008 Be better by learning process improvement Aug 01, 2022

This topic is SO important, I made a video.


I may be biased, but if you want to be more successful at work you NEED to learn the basics of process improvement.

A curiosity mindset and a...

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TMM #007 How to get out of your own way Jul 25, 2022

Quickly identify and release your blocks with mind mapping

Read Time:  2 minutes 

Self-sabotage and its good friends doubt, fear and anxiety used to rule my life. It was often hidden...

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TMM #006: Customize your resume in 10 minutes or less Jul 20, 2022

goals + systems = success

Read time: 90 seconds

Today, I am going to share the process I use to customize my resume for each job application. 

The job search struggle is real...

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TTM #005 How to get professional certifications for less money Jul 11, 2022

Certifications are expensive, but they don't have to be.

Read time: 2 minutes

Certifications without experience are meaningless. Certifications with experience open doors.

The real world...

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TMM #004: 3 feedback mistakes that kill your career Jul 05, 2022

Career success is part growth, part professional branding. The growth comes from understanding why some things don't work, and the professional branding comes from consistently delivering...

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TMM #003 My Favorite FREE Tools for Career Growth Jun 28, 2022
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